In ihrem verbindlichen Steuerentscheid V1361-16 bewertet die spanische Finanzbehörde die Situation eines nichtansässigen Unternehmens, welches in Spanien sowohl über eine Betriebsstätte (BS) operiert als auch anderweitige Aktivitäten ohne die Intervention dieser...

Régimen Sancionador SII

According to the Draft Royal Decree modifying the General Penalty Regime, the non-compliance due to delay with the mandatory provision of immediate information what VAT books refers to (the so-called “SII”) might be sanctioned, as of 1st January 2018, with a fine of...

Prorated VAT regulation

By decision of 16th March 2017, the Spanish Central Economic and Administrative Court (TEAC) acknowledges the prorated VAT regulation to be equally applicable although the taxable person has not formally applied for it. This criterium shows that according to the...

Incoming invoices in pdf format

In their binding consultation of 12th July 2016 with number V3253-16, the Spanish Tax Authorities (DGT) acknowledge all those invoices as electronic invoices which are received in pdf format via email, although previously issued on paper and only afterwards digitised...